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Sawyer Premium Controlled Release Insect Repellent

Kategori Mosquito Malaria Protection
Stok Ready
KodeMosquito Malaria Protection
Di lihat 2937 kali
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021 - 29433824
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Hasil gambar untuk sawyer premium controlled release insect repellent

Sawyer Premium Controlled Release Insect Repellent significantly reduces the rate of DEET absorption by 67% per application, and extends the duration of its effectiveness. ThisĀ 20% DEET lotionĀ is our family friendly formula which controls the evaporation of DEET, allowing it to protect you up to 11 hours, in the backcountry or in the backyard. Odorless, non greasy, and effective against ticks and ALL mosquitoes including those carrying West Nile Virus.


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