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Electronik Scriber NC 110

Kategori Electronik Scriber
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Electronik Scriber NC 55 Top

Scriber NC 110


  • Use of symbol, typeface and memory cassettes
  • Symbols complying with the standards with the use of symbol cassettes
  • Multiple lines with selectable start point, line spacing selectable independent from the character height
  • Direction of writing selectable in 1 degree steps
  • 4 line types, used also for circles and symbols
  • Increase and decrease of symbols
  • Output of memory content as program listing
  • Free character spacing, broad nib function to simulate art effect with Caligraph.
The extended unit NC-scriber CS 110 provides additional functions and is equipped with the activated slot for cassette operation for the use of symbol, typeface and memory cassettes. Creating user symbols, the NC-scriber CS 110 can be upgraded to the NC-scriber CS 110 plus easily. In addition, the NC-scriber CS 110 can be ordered with embedded architecture or surveying symbols.
  • EK-Team NC-scriber CS 110 Electronic Scriber
  • Manual’s book
  • Power cable
Specifications: Dimensions: 378 x 168 x 48 mm. Weight: 1.35 kg. Pen range: x-axis, 190mm; y-axis, 45mm. Resolution: 0.01mm. Pen speed: 0.5, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.0 cm/ sec. Display: 36 characters plus cursor and status. Power consumption: 40w.
Additional features of the NC-scriber CS 110 Plus: Free graphic commands, Comfortable input-output techniques for symbols, Sub program techniques, Use of variables, Calculation of formulas with mathematic functions, Control of program.
In general, the NC-Scriber CS 55 Top, the NC-Scriber CS 55 Top architecture and the NC-Scriber CS 55 Top surveying can be upgraded with the key module to the features of the NC-Scriber CS 110. Further on with the next upgrade module, the features of the NC-Scriber CS 110 Plus can be adchieved.

Electronik Scriber NC 55 Top

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KodeElectronik Scriber NC 55 Top
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